Rate Analysis of Some of Civil Engineering Item of Work

Estimating Costing and Supervision-I

Tutorial by Er.Anirudh Yadav,Lecturer

[A]Calculate the quantities of materials requires for the following item of work.
(To match the answer given in margin use 30% and 50% as bulking of sand for Mortar and Concrete respectively).Use NS Norms & District Rate of Rautahat for F/Y 2078/2079 BS).

Q1. 48.5 m3 of brick work in 1:3 cement sand mortar. Use Nepal Standard Brick and w/c=0.8;                                                             Ans:-27205nos, cement=116.57 bags, sand=12.15m3, water=4662.8 liter

Q2.15 cm thick Foundation PCC (1:3:6), 0.95 m wide and 42 m long, w/c=0.5;
                            Ans:-cement=25.89 bags, Sand=2.697m3, Aggregate=5.394 m3, water=647.25 liter

Q3.PCC-M20 for RCC roof 100mm thick 20m wide and 25m long, w/c=0.5;
                            Ans:-Cement=392.72 bags, Sand=20.45m3, Aggregate=40.91m3, Water=9818 liter

Q4.713m2 of 12.5mm thick cement plaster @1:4 and w/c=0.8. [Hint:-First increase the volume by 25% for filling the joints and irregular surfaces then increase the resultant volume by 30% to get dry volume].                                             Ans:- Cement=83.42 bags, Sand=11.58m3, Water=3336.80 liter.

Q5. Estimate the reinforcement steel work in column of 44m3 of gross volume of concrete work. [Hint:-use standard past experiences value of similar structure i.e. for column it is 2.5%] 

[B] Prepare a rate analysis for the following item of work in standard sheet (Table).

Q6. 54.67mof Brick work(Indian Standard IS) in 1:6 mix proportion with mortar thickness of 10mm and w/c=0.6

Q7.150m2 of plaster work with 12.5mm thick cement plaster@1:4 w/c=0.8 in wall. Hint:-Take skilled=12 and Unskilled=16 per 100 sq.m of plaster work.

Q8.16.50 m3 of PCC work @1:2:4 w/c=0.55,Analyse the Rate.

Q9. Reinforcement steel work in Beam of 48m3 of gross volume of concrete work. Hint:-wt.of steel=2% of Gross Volume*density of steel)

Q10. Analyses the rate for the Steel work of 12.68 MT for cutting, placing, bending and binding of wire.

Q11. 78.445 m3 of brick work in 1:3 cement sand mortar. Use NS Brick and w/c=0.8.Prepare complete rate analysis of it.

Q12.Analyse the total rate of RCC Slab casting of 10m3@M20.Take the following reference to calculate:-
 1) quantity and cost of material (cement, sand, aggregate, steel, binding wire and water quantity and their cost)

 2) Water charges

 3) Shuttering cost

 4) Bar bending cost

 5) Overhead expenses (3%)

 6) Cost of equipment and tools (2%)

 7) Contractor profit (10%)

 8) Labour rate and cost.

Q13. 48.48m3 of PCC work @1:2:4, w/c=0.55. Analyse the Rate in Excel Sheet.


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